In this scene Harry and Voldemort are in the newly destroyed courtyard at Hogwarts. All the rubble on the exterior was all made out of polystyrene which was dipped in sand to give the effect of a rock. Every single tiny fragment had its exact place to be in the scene. The wands would have been made out of wood, and the lighting bolts would have been added in with CGI in the final editing.

Costume hair and make-up:
In this shot, all the characters are wearing tatty clothes. This is because they have been getting damaged as they battle to save hogwarts. Many of the characters will have blood on their faces and body parts, this adds to the overall effect on a battle.Voldemort's black cape symbolises darkness and shows us that he is not a good character. By the clothes harry is wearing, we can tell that the film is set in the present day because he is wearing what typical teenagers would wear in this era.
Facial expressions and body language:
In this scence, harry is gritting his teeth. From this we can see that he is putting all his energy into defeating Voldemort. Also, as Harry is on his knees this symbolises that even though he is down, he is not out. By Voledemort still being on his feet, we can learn that it may seem that he has the upper hand because he is higher up than Harry.
Lighting and colour:
From the colours of the lightning bolts we can learn a lot about the characters themselves. As Voldemort's lightning bolt is green we can understand that he is a bad character because the connotations of green are evil. On the other hand we can work out that Harry is the good character because his lighting bolt is red and the connotations of that colour are love and passion. Also, the sky is grey and not very bright, this means that a dark vibe is lurking over the top of the action.
Positioning of characters/objects within frame:
As the characters are standing so far apart this symbolises that they do not like eachother and they want to destroy one an other. Also, positioning the characters right in the middle of the camera shot makes them the focal point of the scene and by putting them in the main courtyard at Hogwarts its gives a sense of how important the battle is.
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